One scientist’s journey from the Middle East to MIT

“I recently exhaled a breath I’ve been holding in for nearly half my life. After applying over a decade ago, I’m finally an American. This means so many things to me. Foremost, it means I can go back to the the Middle East, and see my mama and the family, for the first time in… Continue reading One scientist’s journey from the Middle East to MIT

Rhythmic Entrainment Echoes in Auditory Perception

AI SummaryThe study found that rhythmic entrainment echoes in auditory perception are more complex than initially predicted. The echoes have a preferred rate between 6 and 8 Hz and appear to follow the tonotopic organization of the auditory system. The study also suggests that competing processes may influence the production of these echoes.Rhythmic entrainment echoes—rhythmic… Continue reading Rhythmic Entrainment Echoes in Auditory Perception

FDA Review Skeptical of ALS Stem Cell Therapy

AI SummaryThe FDA has concerns about an experimental stem cell therapy for ALS that will be discussed at a public hearing.The FDA has raised concerns about the safety and efficacy of an experimental stem cell therapy for ALS scheduled for a public hearing by a federal advisory panel on Wednesday. Medscape Medical News

Distinct Lateral Prefrontal Regions Are Organized in an Anterior-Posterior Functional Gradient

AI SummaryThe text discusses the organization of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and its involvement in cognitive processes such as working memory and selective attention. The study found that the dlPFC is organized as an areal gradient rather than a smooth gradient, with different regions exhibiting distinct physiological properties. Additionally, the dlPFC shows a distributed… Continue reading Distinct Lateral Prefrontal Regions Are Organized in an Anterior-Posterior Functional Gradient

DATScan in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Some Answers but More Questions

AI SummaryThe text discusses the importance of assessing the in vivo status of the midbrain dopaminergic system in neurodegenerative diseases. It highlights the use of a radiopharmaceutical called FP-CIT, or DATScan, to visualize striatal dopamine transporters. The scan is approved for differentiating essential tremor from neurodegenerative parkinsonian syndromes and for suspected dementia with Lewy bodies.… Continue reading DATScan in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Some Answers but More Questions

Neuroanatomical Disposition, Natural Development, and Training-Induced Plasticity of the Human Auditory System from Childhood to Adulthood: A 12-Year Study in Musicians and Nonmusicians

AI SummaryAuditory perception is important for human development and communication. The first long-term study on the plasticity of the auditory system due to musical training was conducted, finding stable differences in the auditory cortex between musicians and nonmusicians. Neuroplastic and perceptual changes were observed with age and musical practice, leading to the development of a… Continue reading Neuroanatomical Disposition, Natural Development, and Training-Induced Plasticity of the Human Auditory System from Childhood to Adulthood: A 12-Year Study in Musicians and Nonmusicians