Cryo-EM structure of cyanophage P-SCSP1u offers insights into DNA gating and evolution of T7-like viruses

Abstract Cyanophages, together with their host cyanobacteria, play important roles in marine biogeochemical cycles and control of marine food webs. The recently identified MPP-C (Marine Picocyanobacteria Podovirus clade C) cyanophages, belonging to the T7-like podoviruses, contain the smallest genomes among cyanopodoviruses and exhibit distinct infection kinetics. However, understanding of the MPP-C cyanophage infection process is… Continue reading Cryo-EM structure of cyanophage P-SCSP1u offers insights into DNA gating and evolution of T7-like viruses

Cryo-EM structure of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus

Abstract The severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) is a tick-borne human-infecting bunyavirus, which utilizes two envelope glycoproteins, Gn and Gc, to enter host cells. However, the structure and organization of these glycoproteins on virion surface are not yet known. Here we describe the structure of SFTSV determined by single particle reconstruction, which allows… Continue reading Cryo-EM structure of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus

The landscape of MHC-presented phosphopeptides yields actionable shared tumor antigens for cancer immunotherapy across multiple HLA alleles

AI SummaryCertain phosphorylated peptides presented by certain major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on cancer cells can be immunogenic. The immunogenicity of phosphorylated peptides presented by different MHC alleles varies, with some alleles showing consistent immunogenicity and others not. Therefore, phosphopeptide-targeted immunotherapies should consider allele-specific differences.Background Certain phosphorylated peptides are differentially presented by major histocompatibility complex… Continue reading The landscape of MHC-presented phosphopeptides yields actionable shared tumor antigens for cancer immunotherapy across multiple HLA alleles

An advance in cryo-EM could be a significant boon for research on potential cancer therapies

AI SummaryA new technique allows for clearer imaging of small protein molecules using cryo-electron microscopy, which is important for drug research.A technology called cryo-electron microscopy enables scientists to see the atomic structure of biological molecules in high resolution. But to date, it has been ineffective for imaging small molecules. A team of biochemists devised a… Continue reading An advance in cryo-EM could be a significant boon for research on potential cancer therapies

Identification of neoepitope reactive T-cell receptors guided by HLA-A*03:01 and HLA-A*11:01 immunopeptidomics

AI SummaryA study used mass spectrometry to identify neoepitopes derived from mutated isoforms of KRAS, EGFR, BRAF, and PIK3CA that are presented by common HLA alleles. The study demonstrated that this approach can be used to develop T-cell receptors (TCRs) for adoptive cell therapy.Background Tumor-specific mutated proteins can create immunogenic non-self, mutation-containing ‘neoepitopes’ that are… Continue reading Identification of neoepitope reactive T-cell receptors guided by HLA-A*03:01 and HLA-A*11:01 immunopeptidomics

Researchers describe advances in mass spectrometry analysis to improve identification of glycopeptides

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04934-x”> Diagram of digestion workflow. Credit: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04934-x Glycosylation is the attachment of carbohydrates to the backbone of a protein through an enzymatic reaction. It plays a critical role in determining protein structure, function and stability. A protein that is glycosylated is known as… Continue reading Researchers describe advances in mass spectrometry analysis to improve identification of glycopeptides

Imaging the smallest atoms provides insights into an enzyme’s unusual biochemistry

AI SummaryNeutron crystallography reveals new details about a copper amine oxidase enzyme, providing insights into its biochemistry. This could aid in the development of enzymes for specialized chemistry or more efficient processes in the chemical industry.A team has used neutron crystallography to image all of the atoms in a radical intermediate of a copper amine… Continue reading Imaging the smallest atoms provides insights into an enzyme’s unusual biochemistry

Teaching NeuroImage: Antibody-Negative Giant Subarachnoid Neurocysticercosis With Isolated Motor Impairment

AI SummaryA man from rural China had weakness in his left upper limb. An MRI showed a cyst in his brain containing a parasite. Tests didn’t find antibodies in his spinal fluid, but surgery confirmed the diagnosis. Cysts like this are rare.A 54-year-old man from rural China presented with a 4-month history of proximally progressive… Continue reading Teaching NeuroImage: Antibody-Negative Giant Subarachnoid Neurocysticercosis With Isolated Motor Impairment