Publisher Correction: Blockade of endothelin receptors mitigates SARS-CoV-2-induced osteoarthritis

Correction to: Nature Microbiology, published online 11 September 2024. In the version of this article initially published, there was a labelling error in Fig. 5c, top-left box of the 4 d.p.i. Mac panel, where “vWF” appeared originally as “CBD.” The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article. Author… Continue reading Publisher Correction: Blockade of endothelin receptors mitigates SARS-CoV-2-induced osteoarthritis

Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro by chemically modified tyrosinase from Agaricus bisporus

AI SummaryThe article discusses the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro protease activity by chemically modified tyrosinase from Agaricus bisporus. Natural tyrosinase from Agaricus bisporus showed mild inhibition, leading to the synthesis of different tyrosinase conjugates through chemical modifications. One particular conjugate, tyrosinase and dextran-aspartic acid polymer, showed the highest inhibition of 3CLpro. This new protein also… Continue reading Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro by chemically modified tyrosinase from Agaricus bisporus

TWiV 1148: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin

AI SummaryIn this clinical update, Dr. Daniel Griffin discusses various topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including new virus strains from farmed fur animals, comparisons between mRNA and pox vectored vaccines, telehealth management of the disease, prophylactic treatments, and the effects of various treatments on outcomes. He also covers statistics on SARS-CoV-2 infections, viral load… Continue reading TWiV 1148: Clinical update with Dr. Daniel Griffin

Study reveals how SARS-CoV-2 triggers diabetes by destroying pancreatic cells

AI SummaryThis article discusses a study conducted by researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine that uncovered how SARS-CoV-2 triggers new cases of diabetes and worsens complications in individuals who already have it. The team found that exposure to the virus activates immune cells that destroy pancreatic beta cells responsible for insulin production. The study was published… Continue reading Study reveals how SARS-CoV-2 triggers diabetes by destroying pancreatic cells

SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein alters calcium signaling via SERCA interactions

AI Summaryenvelope protein (E protein) plays a crucial role in altering calcium signaling via interactions with SERCA, potentially affecting viral pathogenesis and providing a new therapeutic target for managing severe COVID-19 cases. The structural similarity between the E protein and regulins suggests a mechanism by which the virus perturbs Ca2+ homeostasis, leading to increased inflammatory… Continue reading SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein alters calcium signaling via SERCA interactions

Blockade of endothelin receptors mitigates SARS-CoV-2-induced osteoarthritis

AI SummaryThe article discusses the joint damage and osteoarthritis that can occur as sequelae to COVID-19 infection, particularly focusing on damage to articular cartilage. It highlights rapid joint injury observed in patients and a hamster model infected with SARS-CoV-2 variants, leading to cystic lesions at the osteochondral junction. The study identifies SARS-CoV-2-activated endothelin-1 signaling as… Continue reading Blockade of endothelin receptors mitigates SARS-CoV-2-induced osteoarthritis

An IGHG1 variant exhibits polarized prevalence and confers enhanced IgG1 antibody responses against life-threatening organisms

AI SummaryThe article discusses the G396R coding variant within the human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) heavy chain, which exhibits polarized prevalence in Southeast Asian populations. This variant enhances immune resilience against various pathogens and viper toxins in mice, and studies show it increases pathogen-specific IgG1+ memory B cell activation and antibody production. The findings suggest that… Continue reading An IGHG1 variant exhibits polarized prevalence and confers enhanced IgG1 antibody responses against life-threatening organisms