Musicianship and Prominence of Interhemispheric Connectivity Determine Two Different Pathways to Atypical Language Dominance

AI SummaryThis study explores how musicianship and the prominence of interhemispheric connectivity influence two different pathways to atypical language dominance. It shows that left-handers with atypical language lateralization have enhanced interhemispheric connectivity and rightward participation of language areas. Nonmusicians with atypical lateralization show underdevelopment in the anterior arcuate fasciculus, while musicians show interhemispheric overdevelopment in… Continue reading Musicianship and Prominence of Interhemispheric Connectivity Determine Two Different Pathways to Atypical Language Dominance

Study assesses seizure risk from stimulating the thalamus

AI SummaryResearchers from MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a study assessing seizure risk associated with electrically stimulating the central thalamus in awake mice. The study found that electrographic seizures occurred in 10 out of 12 mice in response to CT-DBS, even at low current levels. Seizure risk increased with higher current levels, independent of… Continue reading Study assesses seizure risk from stimulating the thalamus

Flexible tentacle electrodes precisely record brain activity

AI SummaryThis article discusses the development of ultra-flexible brain probes that can accurately record brain activity without causing tissue damage. The use of these flexible tentacle electrodes offers new opportunities for treating various neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.Researchers have developed ultra-flexible brain probes that accurately record brain activity without causing tissue damage. This opens up new… Continue reading Flexible tentacle electrodes precisely record brain activity

Substantial Impacts of Contact Sport Play and Parkinsonism

AI SummaryThis article discusses the substantial impacts of contact sport play on the development of Parkinsonism. It highlights the association between repetitive head impacts sustained in contact and collision sports with the development of Lewy body disease and parkinsonism later in life. The study by Adams and colleagues presents a complex but compelling interplay between… Continue reading Substantial Impacts of Contact Sport Play and Parkinsonism

Can Glasgow Coma Scale Predict Brain Injury?

AI SummaryThe content provided suggests that a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3 may not be very effective in predicting traumatic brain injury in the prehospital setting. This indicates that other assessments or diagnostic tools may be needed for a more accurate diagnosis of brain injury in such cases.A Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3… Continue reading Can Glasgow Coma Scale Predict Brain Injury?

[Review] Intracranial pressure monitoring in adult patients with traumatic brain injury: challenges and innovations

AI SummaryThis review delves into the challenges and innovations surrounding intracranial pressure monitoring in adult patients with traumatic brain injury. It highlights the importance of detecting and treating intracranial hypertension, a serious complication post-injury. The article discusses the lack of strong evidence supporting these monitoring and treatment methods, as well as the variations in practices… Continue reading [Review] Intracranial pressure monitoring in adult patients with traumatic brain injury: challenges and innovations

An In Vivo High-Resolution Human Brain Atlas of Synaptic Density

AI SummaryThis article introduces an in vivo high-resolution human brain atlas of synaptic density, created using PET neuroimaging in healthy individuals. The atlas highlights distinct cortical and subcortical gradients of synapse density, showing variations in different brain regions. It also reveals a positive correlation between higher SV2A density in certain cortical areas and IQ. This… Continue reading An In Vivo High-Resolution Human Brain Atlas of Synaptic Density

Neuroticism/Negative Emotionality Is Associated with Increased Reactivity to Uncertain Threat in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis, Not the Amygdala

AI SummaryThis article examines the association between neuroticism/negative emotionality (N/NE) and reactivity to uncertain threat in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (Ce). The research used a combination of psychometric, psychophysiological, and neuroimaging approaches in a sample of 220 emerging adults. The findings suggest that N/NE… Continue reading Neuroticism/Negative Emotionality Is Associated with Increased Reactivity to Uncertain Threat in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis, Not the Amygdala

Cerebral Gray Matter May Not Explain Sleep Slow-Wave Characteristics after Severe Brain Injury

AI SummaryThis study examines the relationship between gray matter volume (GMV) and slow-wave characteristics in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) compared to healthy controls. While GMV in specific brain regions was associated with slow-wave frequency and morphology in healthy individuals, this relationship was not observed in TBI patients, despite lower GMV. This challenges the… Continue reading Cerebral Gray Matter May Not Explain Sleep Slow-Wave Characteristics after Severe Brain Injury