Differential treatment effect between younger and older adults for new cancer therapies in solid tumors supporting US Food and Drug Administration approval between 2010 and 2021

The authors quantified how treatment effects differ between older and younger patients in oncology registration trials . The primary outcome was differential treatment effect by age for progression-free survival and overall survival . Only 7% of end points showed a statistically significant interaction between outcome and age group . There were no changes in the… Continue reading Differential treatment effect between younger and older adults for new cancer therapies in solid tumors supporting US Food and Drug Administration approval between 2010 and 2021

Differential treatment effect between younger and older adults for new cancer therapies in solid tumors supporting US Food and Drug Administration approval between 2010 and 2021

Abstract Background Over one half of cancer diagnoses occur in patients aged 65 and older. The authors quantified how treatment effects differ between older and younger patients in oncology registration trials. Methods The authors performed a retrospective cohort study of registration trials supporting US Food and Drug Administration approval of cancer drugs (from January 2010… Continue reading Differential treatment effect between younger and older adults for new cancer therapies in solid tumors supporting US Food and Drug Administration approval between 2010 and 2021

Adherence to the 2018 World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations and cancer risk: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies investigating associations between a score for adherence to the 2018 Cancer Prevention Recommendations and cancer risk was conducted . The summary risk ratio per 1-point increment in adherence score was 0.89 (95% CI) for breast cancer . There were no significant associations with prostate or other cancers .

Adherence to the 2018 World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations and cancer risk: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies investigating associations between a score for adherence to the 2018 Cancer Prevention Recommendations and cancer risk was conducted . The summary risk ratio per 1-point increment in adherence score was 0.89 (95% CI) for breast cancer . There were no significant associations with prostate or other cancers .

Associations of low‐carbohydrate diets with breast cancer survival

Study looked at the role of low-carbohydrate diets in relation to breast cancer–specific and all-cause mortality . It found that greater adherence to overall, animal-rich, or plant-poor, diets was not significantly associated with a lower risk of cancer-specific mortality among women with stage I–III cancer . The study was conducted for 9621 women who were… Continue reading Associations of low‐carbohydrate diets with breast cancer survival

Associations of low‐carbohydrate diets with breast cancer survival

Study looked at the role of low-carbohydrate diets in relation to breast cancer–specific and all-cause mortality . It found that greater adherence to overall, animal-rich, or plant-poor, diets was not significantly associated with a lower risk of cancer-specific mortality among women with stage I–III cancer . The study was conducted for 9621 women who were… Continue reading Associations of low‐carbohydrate diets with breast cancer survival

Epigenetic aging in older breast cancer survivors and non‐cancer controls: preliminary findings from the Thinking and Living with Cancer (TLC) Study

Study examined whether older breast cancer survivors showed greater epigenetic aging than noncancer controls . Older survivors were 1.04 to 2.22 years biologically older than controls on Horvath, EEA, GrimAge, Dunedin Pace of Aging measures . An older age related to worse physical function in all women, including those exposed to chemotherapy . If replicated,… Continue reading Epigenetic aging in older breast cancer survivors and non‐cancer controls: preliminary findings from the Thinking and Living with Cancer (TLC) Study