Tag: Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases
Insights into autoimmunity and cancer
In December 2024, the NIH Office of Autoimmune Disease Research in the Office of Research on Women’s Health (OADR-ORWH) hosted a virtual meeting in the ScienceTALKS series entitled ‘The Cancer Autoimmune Connection: Decoding the Paradox’. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access through your institution Change institution Buy… Continue reading Insights into autoimmunity and cancer
Deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 skews adaptive immune repertoires towards specific sets of T and B cell receptors
Granzyme K identified as key trigger of complement system in autoimmune diseases
Our immune system is armed with an array of defenses designed to detect and eliminate harmful threats. One of its most powerful defense mechanisms is the complement system-a group of proteins that patrols our body, ever vigilant for signs of infection or injury. Now, over 100 years after the complement system was first described, researchers… Continue reading Granzyme K identified as key trigger of complement system in autoimmune diseases
Major driver of inflammatory pathology in autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases
Researchers discovered a previously unknown mechanism that may drive tissue damage and a new target for drug discovery.
Eosinophils promote the production of autoantibodies in bullous pemphigoid
Discontinuation of First-Line Disease-Modifying Therapy in Patients With Stable Multiple Sclerosis
This randomized clinical trial investigates whether first-line disease-modifying therapy can be safely discontinued in patients with long-term stable multiple sclerosis.
Measurement of Treatment Effect in Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials
This decision analytical model study applies restricted mean survival time as a measure of treatment effect in 2 randomized clinical trials assessing disease-modifying treatments vs placebo in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis.