Category: Virology
Folliculin Prevents Lysosomal Degradation of Human Papillomavirus To Support Infectious Cell Entry
Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Restricts HBV Replication via the TRIM28-Mediated Degradation of HBx
African rhinos share retroviruses not found in Asian rhinos or other related species
Rhinoceros belong to a mammalian order called odd-toed ungulates that also include horses and tapirs. They are found in Africa and Asia. Until recently, evidence suggested that throughout their evolutionary history, gamma-retroviruses such as Murine leukemia virus had not colonized their genomes, unlike most other mammalian orders. The colonization process is called retroviral endogenization and… Continue reading African rhinos share retroviruses not found in Asian rhinos or other related species
Combinational Deletions of MGF110-9L and MGF505-7R Genes from the African Swine Fever Virus Inhibit TBK1 Degradation by an Autophagy Activator PIK3C2B To Promote Type I Interferon Production
The Host Protein CAD Regulates the Replication of FMDV through the Function of Pyrimidines’ De Novo Synthesis
Viral Protein Accumulation of Zika Virus Variants Links with Regulation of Innate Immunity for Differential Control of Viral Replication, Spread, and Response to Interferon
The Reovirus σ1 Attachment Protein Influences the Stability of Its Entry Intermediate
p38MAPK- and GSK3-Mediated Phosphorylation of Snakehead Vesiculovirus Phosphoprotein at Threonine 160 Facilitates Viral Replication
Tuberculosis disease intensifies HIV antibody response in people with HIV
New research found that people living with HIV that have had pulmonary tuberculosis had broader and more potent HIV antibody responses and differences in HIV sequences predicted to be antibody resistant as compared to those without suspected or documented tuberculosis.