Emerging clinical applications of single-cell RNA sequencing in oncology

Abstract Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has revolutionized our understanding of complex tissues both in health and in disease. Over the past decade, scRNA-seq has been applied to tumour samples obtained from patients with cancer in hundreds of studies, thereby advancing the view that each tumour is a complex ecosystem and uncovering the diverse states of… Continue reading Emerging clinical applications of single-cell RNA sequencing in oncology

Categorized as Oncology

Will I feel better? Raising the bar for quality of life in oncology

Patients with advanced-stage cancer seek treatments that prolong survival and improve quality of life. We analysed new anticancer drug indications approved by the FDA and EMA between 2020 and 2023 using the European Society for Medical Oncology-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale quality-of-life checklist. Our findings highlight critical gaps in the availability and reliability of quality-of-life… Continue reading Will I feel better? Raising the bar for quality of life in oncology

Categorized as Oncology

[News] UK sees almost 30 000 extra cancer deaths each year due to deprivation

An estimated 28 400 extra cancer deaths are occurring in the UK each year due to deprivation, concludes a new report by the charity Cancer Research UK (London, UK). The report details how various factors come together leaving the UK’s most deprived areas (poorest 20%) with a cancer death rate 60% higher than its most affluent… Continue reading [News] UK sees almost 30 000 extra cancer deaths each year due to deprivation

Categorized as Oncology

[Articles] Cancer incidence and mortality estimates in 2022 in southeast Asia: a comparative analysis

The current patterns of cancer incidence and mortality in southeast Asia are primarily driven by breast cancer in women and lung cancer in men, but infection-related cancers (liver and cervix) are common in some countries. Regional collaborations must be strengthened to improve cancer prevention, diagnosis, care, and research in southeast Asia.

New combination treatment strategy dramatically increases cell death in leukemia

Scientists have identified an innovative combination of treatment strategies that work collaboratively to effectively kill acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells, a frequently incurable form of cancer. New research findings suggest that a class of drugs known as MCL-1 (myeloid leukemia cell-1) inhibitors interact with a type of kinase inhibitor that targets the SRC gene to… Continue reading New combination treatment strategy dramatically increases cell death in leukemia