Study sheds light on immune cells’ ability to collectively migrate through complex environments

When fighting disease, our immune cells need to reach their target quickly. Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) now discovered that immune cells actively generate their own guidance system to navigate through complex environments. This challenges earlier notions about these movements. The researchers’ findings, published in the journal Science Immunology, enhance… Continue reading Study sheds light on immune cells’ ability to collectively migrate through complex environments

Categorized as Immunology

International consortium to study link between RSV infection and chronic respiratory tract diseases

UMC Utrecht will lead an international consortium that will try to answer a key question that’s in the mind of many pediatricians, infectiologists, pulmonologists and other health professionals: “Why are children that had an RSV infection in early childhood at increased risk of developing asthma later in life?” The project – which will run for… Continue reading International consortium to study link between RSV infection and chronic respiratory tract diseases

Immune cells shape their own path

Researchers have discovered immune cells actively generate their own guidance system to navigate through complex environments . This challenges earlier notions about these movements . The findings enhance our knowledge of the immune system and offer potential new approaches to improve human immune response .

Categorized as Immunology

New insights into how lung cells detect influenza virus

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin have discovered some new and surprising ways that viral RNA and influenza virus are detected by human lung cells, which has potential implications for treating people affected by such viruses. Influenza viruses remain a major threat to human health and can cause severe symptoms in young, elderly, and immuno-compromised populations,… Continue reading New insights into how lung cells detect influenza virus