Interferon-γ production by Tfh cells is required for CXCR3+ pre-memory B cell differentiation and subsequent lung-resident memory B cell responses

Lung-resident memory B cells (lung-BRMs) provide superior protection against respiratory viruses. Arroyo-Díaz et al. examine the requirements for lung-BRM development and reveal that IFN-γ production by Tfh cells is essential for the differentiation of memory B cell precursors that give rise to lung-BRMs and subsequent protection against heterosubtypic influenza infection.

AI Accurately Reads Mammograms

AI SummaryArtificial intelligence (AI) has been found to be as effective as human clinicians in analyzing mammogram scans, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Nottingham. The study compared the performance of AI and human readers in detecting abnormalities in mammograms, and found that both achieved similar results. This highlights the… Continue reading AI Accurately Reads Mammograms

Categorized as Immunology

How Genome Folding is Linked to Antibody Diversity

AI SummaryB cells produce antibodies and can create a vast number of different antibodies by using portions of genes and mixing them up. A study using a mouse model found that changes in the genomic structure can allow B cells to produce diverse types of antibodies. The study also showed that genes can be combined… Continue reading How Genome Folding is Linked to Antibody Diversity

[Media Watch] Environment and infectious diseases

John Vidal, the former environment editor at The Guardian, has had quite a career. According to the author’s biography at the end of his book Fevered planet: how diseases emerge when we harm nature, he has “reported on the climate crisis, disease, and ecological change from more than 100 countries, during which time he has… Continue reading [Media Watch] Environment and infectious diseases

Categorized as Immunology

Immune 71: Can parasitic worms prevent pandemics?

Immune explains how, in a mouse model of roundworm infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, exposure to lung-migrating helminths protects mice against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Hosts: Cynthia Leifer, Stephanie Langel, and Brianne Barker Click arrow to playDownload Immune 70 (53 MB .mp3, 73 min)Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts. RSS, emailBecome a patron of Immune! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server Helminth protects against murine SARS-CoV-2 infection… Continue reading Immune 71: Can parasitic worms prevent pandemics?

A subset of CD8+ T cells can play a protective role against Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis

AI Summary- Subset of CD8+ T cells in the brain lessens activation of microglia and limits disease pathology in a model of Alzheimer’s disease. – Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition associated with progressive cognitive decline. – Protein aggregates called beta-amyloid plaques are a significant contributor to the disease. – Scientists at St. Jude Children’s… Continue reading A subset of CD8+ T cells can play a protective role against Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis