How PCPs Can Contribute to Epilepsy Care

AI Summary

Summary: The article discusses the role of primary care providers (PCPs) in epilepsy care due to the shortage of neurologists. It emphasizes the need for PCPs to have a basic understanding of seizure treatment and promote self-management skills in patients with epilepsy. Implications: The shortage of neurologists is a challenge in epilepsy care, requiring PCPs to step in and provide basic care to patients with epilepsy. Significance of terms/concepts: PCPs, epilepsy, seizure treatment, self-management skills Relevance to the field: This article highlights the importance of PCPs in filling the gap created by the shortage of neurologists in epilepsy care. It emphasizes the need for PCPs to have knowledge of seizure treatment and help patients develop self-management skills.

With a nationwide shortage of neurologists, primary care providers must understand the basics of seizure treatment and promote self-management skills in their patients with epilepsy.
Medscape Medical News

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