AI Summary
Patients who are negative for high-risk HPV with normal or low-grade cytology at 6-24 months after fertility-sparing surgery can have a follow-up interval of 6 months. This applies to 80% of all patients who have this surgery. An interval of 12 months is deemed safe after two consecutive negative tests for high-risk HPV with no high-grade cytology, which applies to almost 75% of patients.
Patients who are negative for high-risk HPV with normal or low-grade cytology at 6–24 months after fertility-sparing surgery, could be offered a prolonged follow-up interval of 6 months. This group comprises 80% of all patients receiving fertility-sparing surgery. An interval of 12 months seems to be safe after two consecutive negative tests for high-risk HPV with an absence of high-grade cytology, which accounts for nearly 75% of all patients who receive fertility-sparing surgery.