442-M Tumor targeted, adipose-derived human mast cells have anti-tumor effects in vivo after intravenous injection


The use of one’s own cells to treat tumors is typified by chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR T) therapy yet cells with anti-tumor properties being investigated continues to grow. We have previously proposed a new strategy using tumor-targeted mast cells (MC) obtained from autologous sources and demonstrated proof-of concept previously in vitro and in vivo.1–4


A human HER2/neu-specific IgE was used to arm human adipose-derived MC (ADMC) through the high affinity IgE receptor (FceRI) and intravenously (i.v.) injected into HER2/neu human tumor-cell bearing immunocompromised mice.


It is shown for the first time that HER2/neu IgEsensitized MC injected i.v. target and inhibit HER2/neu-positive tumors.


These studies provide further proof of concept that MC have anti-tumor properties and could possibly provide another strategy for developing adoptive cell transfer therapeutics for patients.


CLK was funded by NIH/NCI grant numbers 1R15CA246430 and 1R15CA283490, Specialized Center of Research grant and Pilot grant from UNC-Chapel Hill, Lineberger Cancer Center


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  • Fereydouni M, Motaghed M, Ahani E, Kafri T, Dellinger K, Metcalfe DD and Kepley CL. Harnessing the anti-tumor mediators in mast cells as a new strategy for adoptive cell transfer for cancer. Front. Oncol. 2022;12:830199.

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