SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein alters calcium signaling via SERCA interactions

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envelope protein (E protein) plays a crucial role in altering calcium signaling via interactions with SERCA, potentially affecting viral pathogenesis and providing a new therapeutic target for managing severe COVID-19 cases. The structural similarity between the E protein and regulins suggests a mechanism by which the virus perturbs Ca2+ homeostasis, leading to increased inflammatory responses in the host. This study sheds light on the host-virus interaction network and highlights the importance of targeting these pathways for therapeutic interventions.


The clinical management of severe COVID-19 cases is not yet well resolved. Therefore, it is important to identify and characterize cell signaling pathways involved in virus pathogenesis that can be targeted therapeutically. Envelope (E) protein is a structural protein of the virus, which is known to be highly expressed in the infected host cell and is a key virulence factor; however, its role is poorly characterized. The E protein is a single-pass transmembrane protein that can assemble into a pentamer forming a viroporin, perturbing Ca2+ homeostasis. Because it is structurally similar to regulins such as, for example, phospholamban, that regulate the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPases (SERCA), we investigated whether the SARS-CoV-2 E protein affects the SERCA system as an exoregulin. Using FRET experiments we demonstrate that E protein can form oligomers with regulins, and thus can alter the monomer/multimer regulin ratio and consequently influence their interactions with SERCAs. We also confirm that a direct interaction between E protein and SERCA2b results in a decrease in SERCA-mediated ER Ca2+ reload. Structural modeling of the complexes indicates an overlapping interaction site for E protein and endogenous regulins. Our results reveal novel links in the host-virus interaction network that play an important role in viral pathogenesis and may provide a new therapeutic target for managing severe inflammatory responses induced by SARS-CoV-2.


The SARS-CoV-2

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