Author Correction: Genetic variants in UNC93B1 predispose to childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus

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This article provides a correction to a previous publication related to genetic variants in UNC93B1 predisposing to childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. Two missing references have been added to the article, providing additional information on the topic. The authors listed are from various institutions in China, Yemen, Russia, and Australia.

Correction to: Nature Immunology, published online 3 June 2024.

In the version of the article initially published, two references were missing which have now been added to the HTML and PDF versions of the article as refs. 36 and 37: Wolf, C. et al. UNC93B1 variants underlie TLR7-dependent autoimmunity. Sci. Immunol. 9, eadi9769 (2024) and Mishra, H. et al. Disrupted degradative sorting of TLR7 is associated with human lupus. Sci. Immunol. 9, eadi9575 (2024).

Author informationAuthor notes

These authors contributed equally: Mahmoud Al-Azab, Elina Idiiatullina.

These authors jointly supervised this work: Yuxia Zhang, Seth L. Masters.

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