[In Context] The postmenopausal brain: no silver bullet, but silver linings

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The article discusses the lack of medical research into menopausal symptoms and emphasizes the need for further understanding. It suggests that society's reluctance to address menopause has hindered scientific investigation into the biological mechanisms behind these symptoms. The article argues that there is a need for more research to provide clinical guidance during the menopausal transition. Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of studying menopause and its impact on women's health.

For many years, the set of menopausal symptoms that concluded women’s valued reproductive role in western societies was considered taboo, discretely wrapped with a Victorian euphemism (“the change”) in some places. This obfuscation perpetuated a lack of medical inquiry into the biological mechanisms of these symptoms, which continues to be felt in the present day. The unmet needs for clinical guidance through the menopausal transition require that medical research starts to unwrap, and understand, this multifaceted experience.

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