[Newsdesk] Research in brief

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A study found that 100 mg of fluvoxamine taken twice a day did not reduce COVID-19 symptoms in outpatients. The study included 1175 participants and compared fluvoxamine to a placebo. No differences in symptom duration were observed.

A study found that when compared to placebo, 100 mg of fluvoxamine taken twice per day did not reduce the duration of symptoms in outpatients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19. Researchers did a platform randomised trial in 1175 participants aged 30 years and older in the USA who had COVID-19 while omicron subvariants were circulating. Previously, the impact of a high dose of fluvoxamine on symptom duration had been uncertain, said the study. Among 589 participants who received fluvoxamine and 586 who received placebo included in the primary analysis, differences in time to sustained recovery were not observed.

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