Clinical Reasoning: A 48-Year-Old Man With Spasticity and Progressive Ataxia

AI Summary

A man with progressive symptoms was diagnosed with a rare late-onset ataxia after extensive testing. The report emphasizes the importance of targeted gene testing to avoid delays in diagnosis.

A 48-year-old man was referred to the movement disorders clinic for 10 years of progressive slurred speech, spasticity, limb incoordination, and wide-based gait. Extensive neurologic workup was inconclusive, including serum and CSF testing, neuroimaging, EMG/NCS, exome sequencing, and mitochondrial testing. An ataxia repeat expansion panel ultimately revealed the final diagnosis. In this report, we review the clinical characteristics of a rare, late-onset, autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia and discuss the importance of pursuing targeted gene testing to avoid diagnostic delays, especially as new treatments for this and other genetic diseases become available.

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