[Comment] The search for treatments for inclusion body myositis

AI Summary

Inclusion body myositis is a rare muscle disease that affects adults over 45 years old, causing severe disability and reduced quality of life. It has both autoimmune and degenerative aspects, with inflammatory changes in muscle and protein aggregates. Current treatments are not effective.

Inclusion body myositis is a rare, relentlessly progressive muscle disease affecting adults older than 45 years. It is associated with severe disability and consequently reduced quality of life. The pathogenesis is complex: the presence of inflammatory changes in skeletal muscle and presence of cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase 1A antibodies in serum suggest an autoimmune cause, but immunosuppressive or immunomodulating therapy has not proven to be beneficial. Pathological evidence also suggests a degenerative component, evident as protein aggregates in skeletal muscle.

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