Mass spectrometry uncovers actions of protein ‘glues’

Chemical Science (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3SC01732J”> (A) Illustrates the limited understanding of MG1 induced complex stabilization. (B) Schematic representation of MG1 ligation. (C) Enlarged view of the 14-3-3/Pin1/MG1 interface . (D) MG1 covalently bound to Lys122 of 14-3-3 by aldimine bonding. Credit: Chemical Science (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3SC01732J

A screening technique commonly used in drug discovery can yield important details about the actions of molecular ‘glues’ in protein interactions.

Molecular glues are emerging as powerful therapeutic tools that can stick proteins together in the body. The interactions between proteins underpin all biological cell functions, including those of disease, and so interventions that can control have significant potential for disrupting the progress of various diseases.

While in many cases, drugs are required to interrupt the processes that connect proteins together, there are also occasions when the intervention is needed

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